Methodological Validation for Automated Lineament Extraction by LINE Method in PCI Geomatica and MATLAB based Hough Transformation


  • Department of mining engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah – 711 103



Spatial distribution and pattern recognition of geologic lineaments are very effective in hazard risk evaluation. To make the process automated, various algorithms with various data sources were applied. This paper aims to make a review on such algorithms as well as data sources used. Comparative analysis of the LINE algorithm in PCI Geomatica and Hough Transformation in MATLAB has been conducted to explore the procedural accuracy with reference to existing landslides in the Darjeeling Himalayan region. Another comparison was made based on data sources like Landsat-8 OLI and digital elevation model, with reference to the same. As lineament density affects the landslide occurrences predominantly, the output lineament density by these two methods as well as with ground reflection and ground elevation data, were correlated with that of the landslide inventory map. A relational illustration was also done in between the lithological thrust direction and the direction of the individual lineament outputs. Hence, this study provides a decision on the use of a reliable method and data source for the automated lineament extraction which can be considered as generating an output with higher accuracy and, hence, safer for using it in the structural planning and execution of projects on various natural hazard studies.


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How to Cite

Salui, C. L. (2018). Methodological Validation for Automated Lineament Extraction by LINE Method in PCI Geomatica and MATLAB based Hough Transformation. Journal of Geological Society of India, 92(3), 321–328.


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