A GIS-Based Approach in Drainage Morphometric Analysis of Sai River Basin, Uttar Pradesh, India


  • Department of Geology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007
  • Department of Geology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007
  • Department of Geology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007




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This study focuses on hydrogeological processes and sub-surface geological activities. The basin area measured is 11,161 km2 with NW-SE sloping trend. Sinuosity Index is 2.7 which show meandering nature. The drainage density, stream frequency and drainage intensity values were 0.62 km-1, 0.23 km-1 and 0.37 km-1 respectively which implies that low surface runoff, high permeable alluvium, high infiltration rate, easily erodible alluvium and low relief. Mean Bifurcation ratio of 5.11 indicates that the basin is structurally controlled. Stream length ratio shows mature stage of erosion and low runoff. The basin is found to be significantly elongated circularity ratio, elongation ratio, form factor, shape index and shape factor is 0.07, 0.33, 0.09, 4.28 and 11.61 respectively. Drainage texture of 0.15 (km-1) suggest the smooth topography and high drainage density. Relief ratio is 0.23, low surface run-off, low erosion, and gentle slope. The constant of channel maintenance, length of overland flow, ruggedness number is 1.60, 0.80, 0.05 respectively, conclude the gentle slope, low surface runoff, high infiltration rate, least erodible and high permeability. The Rho coefficient of 0.11 shows the low capacity of water. The basin relief is 84 and relief ratio is 0.23 m indicating low run-off and low erosion. Hypsometric curve and integral show that the river is having intermediate stage of incision and erosion, Asymmetric factor, drainage basin shape, presence of high escarpment zones, fall displacement and uplifted barrier occur in the path of the channel identified in the transverse profile, longitudinal profiles due to intra-basinal sub-surface tectonic activity.


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Gautam, P. K., Singh, D. S., & Kumar, D. (2020). A GIS-Based Approach in Drainage Morphometric Analysis of Sai River Basin, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 95(4), 366–376. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12594-020-1445-9


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