Instructions to Authors


The Journal of the Geological Society of India publishes articles covering all branches of Earth Sciences. It is issued on the first of every month and will consist of the following features: Review papers, Research papers, Book reviews, News and Notes, Correspondence and Discussion. Papers intended for publication in the journal should be based on the results of original work carried out by the author(s) and be a distinct contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the selected field and should not have been communicated elsewhere for publication in part or whole. In the case of multi-author papers it is presumed that all the authors are involved in the work and have approved the manuscript by appending their signatures in the covering letter . The length of the papers should be kept within 5000 words which is equivalent to 8 uninterrupted pages of the journal. Longer papers are likely to be delayed in publication. Each paper should be accompanied by a short informative ABSTRACT not exceeding 250 words summarizing the main points made in the paper and the important conclusion arrived at. Citation of literature should be avoided in the abstract. KEYWORDS should be supplied. The aims and objectives or purpose of the paper should be given in the INTRODUCTION. The acceptance criteria for all the papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance in readership. The names of the potential reviewers should be given to the editor when the paper is submitted. The editor reserves the right to refuse any material for publication. Authors should retain copies of submitted manuscripts and correspondence as material cannot be returned. When contributions are judged as acceptable for publication on the basis of scientific content, the editor reserves the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition and improve communication. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscripts will be returned to the authors for revision. The authors should strictly adhere to the comments made by reviewers while revising the paper . If the authors agree with the comments made by reviewers, the authors should indicate the changes ef fected in the text. In case where authors disagree with the comments of reviewers, they should indicate the same in a separate sheet giving reasons. The editor will make the final decision concerning the acceptance or rejection of paper.


The journal accepts manuscripts via web-based manuscript submission system
http://www .editorialmanager .com/jgsi. For details the authors are advised to logon to the site. The journal will also be accepting hard copy submissions. The hard copy should be typewritten with double line spacing (not less than 6 mm) on one side of the A4 size paper leaving good mar gin (25 mm on all sides). Two copies complete with all illustrations should be sent by registered post to the Editor . Tables and figures should be typed on separate pages with captions. Lar ge tables with raw data should be avoided. The manuscript should be carefully checked for spelling. Footnotes are not allowed. Authors should read carefully a recent journal to ensure the format (main heading and sub-headings). Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts electronically . Electronic submission should be sent as e-mail attachments to in the following formats: Text in MSW ord; Figures in Autocad, Coreldraw , WMF , TIFF , BMP and Photographs in JPG , PSDF , PDF


Illustrations referred to as figures should be in the form of line drawing in black on white and only laser printed figures are accepted. All electronic illustrations should be supplied in EPS and the files must always contain a preview in TIFF of the figure. Originals of photographs in two sets should be sent. Each figure/ photograph should be identified with figure number and author(s) name(s) on the back. Lar ge maps and figures are accepted for reproduction as fold outs only if they are necessary to present details. Figures should be designed to stand reproduction (with or without reduction) in three sizes: (i) 200 x 150 mm (ii) 1 10 x 150 mm and (iii) 82 mm width. A void fine stippling. All lettering and hatching should be done using computer or scriber . Lettering should be at least 9 pt. size (3 mm high) before reduction. A void the use of small boldface lettering in naming figure items. Figures in rolls are not accepted. A contribution by the authors towards the cost of redrafting and reproduction of black and white figures is required.


Photographs and/or photo- micrographs both in colour and black-white should be of high resolution (300 dpi) as TIFF format image. In a plate containing number of photographs, should be trimmed into squares or rectangles of equal size, serially numbered on top left or right corner and neatly mounted on white board within a space area of 200 mm x 150 mm. Spacing between photographs, both horizontal and vertical, should be kept at 2 mm. Each plate should be accompanied by a suitable explanation of each of the included figures. Bar scales are required on all photographs and drawn close to bottom right or left corner . Authors are required to contribute to the cost of reproduction of photographs in colour and black- white


Reference cited should be in the form adopted in the journal. References to unpublished work should be avoided unless absolutely necessary . All points of reference [name(s) of author(s), spelling, year of publication, title, publisher , volume number and page numbers] must be checked between the text and the list of references. In case of reference to books, the relevant page number has to be included in the text after the year (e.g. Pichamuthu, C.S., 1963, p.18). We suggest journal titles be given in internationally accepted abbreviations. Personal communications (e.g., J. Saraswati, 1990, pers. comm .) should be authorized in writing by the person concerned.


Review papers are intended to trace developments in an area of research and presented in a manner to catch the attention of the general reader . Reviews should be more than a simple compilation and should synthesize known information into a coherent picture and identify gaps in our knowledge.


Journal undertakes to review important new releases received by the Society . Readers are welcome to send important book reviews on their own. In such a case the readers are expected to send the reviewed book to the Society’ s library


Comments on papers published in the journal are accepted provided they are brief (not exceeding 500 words), constructive and received within three months of publication of the relevant paper . Comments and reply by the author(s) are subject to review for suitability and to editing for length and clarity . Figures and tables should not be included unless absolutely essential. Final decision regarding acceptance rests with the Editor


A copy of page proofs (either as pdf or hardcopy) will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for correctness of figures, tables and references. No major changes are entertained at the proof stage. Corrected proofs should be returned without delay


Reprints can be ordered in multiples of hundred at the time of returning the author -corrected proofs.


Authors are advised to send accepted manuscript in electronic form on CD or via email as attachment in MS WORD document file, this is not required if submitted through the W eb-based manuscript submission system. The text file on CD and the hard copy must be exactly similar . Any deviation may delay processing for publication. Place tab-delimited tables at the end of the text. Do not use space bar between individual columns of the table. Scanned images of the figures/photographs are accepted in TIF , GIF , JPG , CDR, DWG , PDF formats. Send image files at 300 dpi resolution in archived form and include the programme used for archiving. Coloured illustration should use CMYK colour models. In case the figures have been drawn in CorelDraw , please use the font type Arial and font size 8pt. Digital illustrations should not include figure numbering. The CD should be properly labelled including Reg. No., file name and file information (e.g. J08-01, Res_Pap.doc for MSW ord; Fig.CDR for CorelDraw files). Authors can contact the publisher for more information regarding submission of digital illustrations.


In view of the high cost of scientific printing and publication, it is necessary that papers should be as brief and concise as possible; and the number of illustrations and tables restricted to the absolute minimum. Varying of length limits, acceptance and scheduling of articles will be at the Editor ’ s discretion.