Volume 100, Issue 6, June 2024 Pages (767-912)

					View Volume 100, Issue 6, June 2024 Pages (767-912)

Geological map of the study region shows MASW sites (red colour lines) at identified fault/thrust locations such as Markanda Thrust, Rajban Fault, Bata Fault, Santaurgarh Thrust, Bhauwala Thrust, Majhaun Fault. Sections A and B (blue colour lines) are the geological cross sections at Markanda Thrust (Fig. 2) and Rajban Fault (Fig. 3). The figure also indicates the ages of formation at MASW locations (Thakur and Pandey, 2004 a, b; Thakur et al., 2007; Singh, 2013).. For details see pages 777-786

Published: 2024-06-01


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